kayaking in Ecuador 2021 , best kayaking destination in the world .
Traveling to Ecuador during COVID, international flights are starting to happen again.
The revival of international flights to and from Ecuador continues. KLM announced that from today, it resumes its commercial operation between Ecuador and the Netherlands. A flight from Quito to Amsterdam left Quito's airport at 11:10, according to Quiport, the airport operator. Between June 16 and 30, KLM will operate six direct commercial flights between Quito and Amsterdam. And from July 3, KLM will maintain three weekly flights between the Netherlands and Ecuador.
as for domestics flights "All passengers traveling from our Quito Airport must have a negative COVID-19 test to be able to board," said the mayor of Quito, Jorge Yunda, in a message published on his Twitter account. The requirement is for all passengers boarding domestic flights and went into effect today (Friday). The COVID-19 tests submitted by passengers must have been taken within 72 hours prior to travel. The test must be certified by the Ministry of Public Health prior to boarding at the control point enabled at airports. The tests must be carried out in laboratories authorized by the Ministry of Public Health.
Flying from the US to Ecuador is doable again on very limited numbers of flights and a quarentine may be required to enter the country. #covid #ecuador #kayaking #internationalflights #traveltoecuador #ecuadortravel #ecuadornews #ecuadorflights #update
Cannabis is legal in Ecuador.
Big changes for Ecuador, as June 21 new changes in the country's Criminal Code take effect. The use of medicinal marijuana is no longer a crime. Non-psychoactive cannabis or hemp (from the cannabis plant) "is excluded from listed substances subject to control." - Shortened trial for crimes of violence against a woman. This is an express procedure, in which the suspect agrees to have committed an offense and receives a reduced sentence within a maximum of 45 days after the complaint by the Prosecutor's Office. Currently, trials for gender violence, whether for psychological or physical assaults, are processed through the ordinary procedure and last more than a year. - Penalties for mistreatment of urban fauna are increased. People who temporarily or permanently harm an animal will be sentenced to six months to one year in prison. Injury pet dealers will be disabled. The maximum penalty will be applied when mistreatment occurs in the presence of minors; when there is cruelty; when the animal is a cub or pregnant female; when the loss of an organ occurs, among other circumstances. Likewise, the sanction for those who organize animal fights will be a sentence of up to three years (before the maximum sanction was 10 days in prison). Cockfighting is excluded.
California kayaking most be the best in the world.
Spring in California is the best kayaking I have found, variety of kayaking for everyone’s levels and styles.
South Silver last weekend was epic, only on dreams you can see such a clean and steep section of whitewater, but I guess here is where the dreams come true. 600 feet per mile of awesomeness. This is a bigger sister of the Brush Creek down on the Kern river.
Start with finding good directions to the put in
The Middle fork of the Feather is an epic masterpiece of whitewater. Jaw dropping . The Devils canyon and Bald Rock both world class and if lucky you could do a 5 day trip , @1400 sounds ideal .
Also the South Branch of the Feather most be the only place on earth you can run waterfalls like that and no need ropes. A fantastic adventure for the waterfall lover.
Middle Fork of the Feather 😍
2020 JONDACHI RACE CANCELLED due to land slides on the road BAEZA - TENA
The world-renowned Upper Jondachi River is threatened to be de-watered by a poorly proposed hydro project. Our goal is to keep the Jondachi a free-flowing river and maintain its current condition. The Jondachi River is the crown jewel of whitewater paddling in Ecuador, and is one of the most pristine watersheds remaining in the Tena area. There are myriad reasons to oppose the hydro project. Here on the website we have provided detailed information about the Jondachi, the hydroelectricity project, and what we are doing to contest it. !Salvemos al Río Jondachi! The Ecuadorian Rivers Institute is presenting a legal defense to stop a poorly-conceived hydro project from being developed on the Upper Jondachi River in Ecuador. https://ecuadorianrivers.org/about-th...
Best Kayaking Race in Ecuador and best party also. more information about kayaking in Ecuador @ www.boofsessions.com
OH BE JOYFUL , Colorado Creeking
So we went high elevation to compete on one of the most mazing race tracks posible, Oh Be Joyful is one of the most amazing creeks ever and racing down it was just an amazing experience. The first day of summer on 2019 and we experienced rain, snow and sunshine. Your lungs burn racing at this elevation and so does your hands as the water come from the snow not too far away. Certainly a world class piece of whitewater. Thanks to Paul for making it happen and making an awesome event. Looking forward to next year's race again. The race takes about 4 minutes ( thank god is not longer) is hard to keep a fast pace in there as it a very technical with all the slides. Super fun race for sure. Congrats to the podium takers on 1st place Noel Parker, Ty Skoe and Evan Ross tide for 2nd and 3rd . The water levels change super fast with the temperatures and is certainly cleaner with more water but of course it moves a lot quicker. It was really amazing how clean it was. Stoked to check this one out the list. And looking forward to more OBJ laps. #kayaking #colorado #whitewater #race #OBJ #ohbejoyful #creeking #crestedbutte #coloradorockies
WHAT HAPPENED TO SAN RAFAEL, largest WATERFALL in Ecuador. ( check out video)
Incredible to witness this savage changes on our own backyard , after a big water event in early January 2020 the emblematic 200m San Rafael waterfall literally disappeared from where it used to be , this natural dam created by the Volcan Reventador hundreds or thousands of years ago finally gave up to the force of the water and the erosion caused by the falls.
One of the largest hydroelectric projects in South America and Ecuador is located irresponsibly a few miles just upstream of this site, the lack of proper studies in general for all projects that happen in Ecuador , never considered that this may happen. It will be interesting to see what happens with the Dam site as the erosion of the river bed is moving upstream super fast. The next rainy season will determine how far up is this erosion gonna go and what other changes in the area will happen. The 2 oil pipes that carry the crude oil from the Amazon to the coast also look compromised not too far up from the implosion of the sink hole. They may need to get creative before the river carves its way throughout the sediment bottom of the river.
We want the COCA CODO SYNCLAIR to stay where it is, as it requires all the water that comes down all creeeks and tributaries of the Quijos , so no other projects can be placed upstream , although there is a lot of hydro proposals that threat our playgrounds. Time will tell if the river will carve itself all the way up again and take down this monster project that has been just one more of the millionaire projects that Rafael Correa’s government used to flush millions of dollars out the MEGA budgets they created for this projects, so big that Ecuador had never seen anything such. Sadly the project started failling shortly after it started operating and to this date is not been able to produce what it was projected. Showing one more time the incapacity of the Ecuadorian government to follow through with with any offerings. The politics in this country are so corrupt as they are in all others, the problem is that our country is so rich, and people so ignorant that there is no one paying attention to whats happening.
First Descent of the RIO MADGALENA , coastal Ecuador
FRESH STASH for 2020, Looking forward to the rainy season on the coastal side this year , this RIO MADGALENA looks simply FANTASTIC and the best part is that ENVIRONMENTAL PERMITS CANCELED FOR MINING COMPANY.
Check out this video and this website , get involved.
ZAMORA , premiere of the documetary about the first descent of the rio ZAMORA
TODD WELLS AND GALEN VOLCKHAUSEN achieved one of the most amazing missions in Ecuador in 2017, the mighty Rio Zamora never paddled before finally exposed by this two talented kayakers.
during a spur of dry weather in the Amazon jungle we travelled South to see what can we find and sure enough the bed rock exposed on the bottom of this amazing gorge was exactly what the boys wanted to see. the rio Zamora drains a vast area of the southers jungles of Ecuador and everything ends up on this huge river running South to North and rushing East , first to the Santiago then the Marañon and eventually the Amazon before it reaches out the Atlantic.
Stay alert on the presentation of this amazing documentary Todd Wells is been wworking on for a couple years to tell the story about their adventure.