So we went high elevation to compete on one of the most mazing race tracks posible, Oh Be Joyful is one of the most amazing creeks ever and racing down it was just an amazing experience. The first day of summer on 2019 and we experienced rain, snow and sunshine. Your lungs burn racing at this elevation and so does your hands as the water come from the snow not too far away. Certainly a world class piece of whitewater. Thanks to Paul for making it happen and making an awesome event. Looking forward to next year's race again. The race takes about 4 minutes ( thank god is not longer) is hard to keep a fast pace in there as it a very technical with all the slides. Super fun race for sure. Congrats to the podium takers on 1st place Noel Parker, Ty Skoe and Evan Ross tide for 2nd and 3rd . The water levels change super fast with the temperatures and is certainly cleaner with more water but of course it moves a lot quicker. It was really amazing how clean it was. Stoked to check this one out the list. And looking forward to more OBJ laps. #kayaking #colorado #whitewater #race #OBJ #ohbejoyful #creeking #crestedbutte #coloradorockies
First Descent of the RIO MADGALENA , coastal Ecuador
FRESH STASH for 2020, Looking forward to the rainy season on the coastal side this year , this RIO MADGALENA looks simply FANTASTIC and the best part is that ENVIRONMENTAL PERMITS CANCELED FOR MINING COMPANY.
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