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First Descent of the RIO MADGALENA , coastal Ecuador

FRESH STASH for 2020, Looking forward to the rainy season on the coastal side this year , this RIO MADGALENA looks simply FANTASTIC and the best part is that ENVIRONMENTAL PERMITS CANCELED FOR MINING COMPANY.

This river is been paddled just a few times and unfortunately is currently threatened by the construction of a dam and a gold/silver mine on the headwaters. It is part of the LOS CEDROS protected area and that is our only hope that this can be protected. It is not all bad news as the permits are cancelled for now but this can change so the more kayaking we get around here the better as we can show this communities the importance of having a healthy river and tourism is a good option for little communities. Los Cedros Biological Reserve consists of 17,000 acres of premontane wet tropical forest and cloud forest. Of this, 2,650 acres is formerly colonized land, while the remainder is primary forest. The reserve is a southern buffer zone for the 450,000 acre Cotocachi-Cayapas Ecological Reserve, and both are part of the Choco Phytogeographical Zone. The Choco region is one of the most biologically diverse and endemic habitats on Earth.

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